Site Making
This is just a short post about making this web site.
In case anyone is curious, I’m developing this web site, including this blog, on an iMac, using RapidWeaver. I still have a lot to learn about it. I used iWeb a few years ago, but Apple have stopped developing that application, and MobileMe came to an end six months ago, so it was time to try something different.
I tried several different applications, but settled on RapidWeaver because it seemed to do everything I wanted, especially with the add-ons, like Stacks2 and the Power Grid Stack from Joe workman, which I have used for the ‘Churches in Kyushu’ table and data about churches posted so far.
I made the crosswords some time ago using Crossword Forge, from Sol Robots. Unfortunately, they won’t work on an iPad, since they are made with flash technology. ‘Verse of the Day’ in the sidebar of the home page is, of course, done with embedded code from BibleGateway.
I tried several different applications, but settled on RapidWeaver because it seemed to do everything I wanted, especially with the add-ons, like Stacks2 and the Power Grid Stack from Joe workman, which I have used for the ‘Churches in Kyushu’ table and data about churches posted so far.
I made the crosswords some time ago using Crossword Forge, from Sol Robots. Unfortunately, they won’t work on an iPad, since they are made with flash technology. ‘Verse of the Day’ in the sidebar of the home page is, of course, done with embedded code from BibleGateway.